module Sint:Extset.S
with module M = Mint
module M:Extmap.S
The module of association tables over elt
typeelt =
The type of set elements.
typet =
unit M.t
The type of sets of type elt
val empty : t
The empty set.
val is_empty : t -> bool
Test whether a set is empty or not.
val mem : elt -> t -> bool
mem x s
returns true
if s
contains x
and false
val add : elt -> t -> t
add x s
returns a set containing the same elements as
, plus x
val singleton : elt -> t
singleton x
returns the one-element set that contains x
val remove : elt -> t -> t
remove x s
returns a set containing the same elements as s
except for x
val merge : (elt -> bool -> bool -> bool) ->
t -> t -> t
merge f s1 s2
computes a set whose elts is a subset of elts
of s1
and of s2
. The presence of each such element is
determined with the function f
val compare : t -> t -> int
Total ordering between sets.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal s1 s2
tests whether the sets s1
and s2
are equal.
val subset : t -> t -> bool
subset s1 s2
tests whether the set s1
is a subset of s2
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
disjoint s1 s2
tests whether the sets s1
and s2
are disjoint.
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
iter f s
applies f
to all elements of s
The elements are passed to f
in increasing order with respect
to the ordering over the type of the elts.
val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold f s a
computes (f eN ... (f e1 a)...)
where e1 ... eN
are the element of s
in increasing order.
val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
for_all p s
checks if all the elements of s
the predicate p
val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
exists p s
checks if at least one element of s
the predicate p
val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t
filter p s
returns the set with all the elements of s
that satisfy predicate p
val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t
partition p s
returns a pair of sets (s1, s2)
, where
contains all the elements of s
that satisfy the
predicate p
, and s2
is the map with all the elements
of s
that do not satisfy p
val cardinal : t -> int
Return the number of elements in a set.
val elements : t -> elt list
Return the list of all elements of the given set. The returned list is sorted in increasing order.
val min_elt : t -> elt
Return the smallest element of the given set or raise
if the set is empty.
val max_elt : t -> elt
Return the largest element of the given set or raise
if the set is empty.
val choose : t -> elt
Return one element of the given set, or raise Not_found
the set is empty. Which element is chosen is unspecified,
but equal elements will be chosen for equal sets.
val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t
split x s
returns a triple (l, mem, r)
, where
is the set with all the elements of s
that are
strictly less than x
is the set with all the elements of s
that are
strictly greater than x
is true
if x
belongs to s
and false
val change : (bool -> bool) -> elt -> t -> t
change f x s
returns a set containing the same elements as
, except x
which is added to s
if f (mem x s)
and removed otherwise.
val union : t -> t -> t
union f s1 s2
computes the union of two sets
val inter : t -> t -> t
inter f s1 s2
computes the intersection of two sets
val diff : t -> t -> t
diff f s1 s2
computes the difference of two sets
val fold_left : ('b -> elt -> 'b) -> 'b -> t -> 'b
same as Extset.S.fold
but in the order of List.fold_left
val fold_right : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
same as Extset.S.fold
but in the right-to-left direction
val fold2_inter : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold2_inter f s1 s2 a
computes (f eN ... (f e1 a) ...)
where e1 ... eN
are the elements of inter s1 s2
in increasing order.
val fold2_union : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold2_union f s1 s2 a
computes (f eN ... (f e1 a) ...)
where e1 ... eN
are the elements of union s1 s2
in increasing order.
val translate : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
translate f s
translates the elements in the set s
by the
function f
. f
must be strictly monotone on the elements of s
Otherwise it raises Invalid_arg
val add_new : exn -> elt -> t -> t
add_new e x s
adds x
to s
if s
does not contain x
and raises e
val is_num_elt : int -> t -> bool
check if the map has the given number of elements
val of_list : elt list -> t
construct a set from a list of elements
val contains : t -> elt -> bool
contains s x
is the same as mem x s
val add_left : t -> elt -> t
add_left s x
is the same as add x s
val remove_left : t -> elt -> t
remove_left s x
is the same as remove x s
val print : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> elt -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit