(********************************************************************) |
(* *)
(* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
(* Copyright 2010-2024 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
(* *)
(* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
(* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
(* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(********************************************************************) |
(** Parse treesThe module provides datatypes for WhyML parse trees. These datatypes are produced by the WhyML parser moduleParser .
They can be alternatively produced via OCaml code, and processed later
on by typing module Typing . See also Section 4.9. "ML Programs"
of the documentation.
*) |
open Mysexplib.Std [@@warning "-33"]
(** Identifiers and attributes*) |
(** attributes, with a specific case for a source location *) |
type attr =
| ATstr of Ident.attribute
| ATpos of Loc.position
[@@deriving sexp]
(** identifiers, with attributes and a source location *) |
type ident = {
id_str : string;
id_ats : attr list;
id_loc : Loc.position;
[@@deriving sexp]
(** qualified identifiers *) |
type qualid =
| Qident of ident
| Qdot of qualid * ident
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Types*) |
(** type expressions *) |
type pty =
| PTtyvar of ident
(** type variable *) |
| PTtyapp of qualid * pty list
(** type constructor, possibly with arguments, e.g., int , list bool , etc. *) |
| PTtuple of pty list
(** tuples, e.g., (int,bool) *) |
| PTref of pty list
(** reference type, e.g., ref int , as used by the "auto-dereference"
mechanism (See manual Section 13.1. "Release Notes for version
1.2: new syntax for auto-dereference") *) |
| PTarrow of pty * pty
(** arrow type, e.g., int -> bool *) |
| PTscope of qualid * pty
(** opening scope locally, e.g., M.((list t,u)) *) |
| PTparen of pty
(** parenthesised type *) |
| PTpure of pty
(** purify a type *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Patterns*) |
(** "ghost" modifier *) |
type ghost = bool
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Patterns, equipped with a source location *) |
type pattern = {
pat_desc : pat_desc;
pat_loc : Loc.position;
and pat_desc =
| Pwild
(** wildcard, that is "_" *) |
| Pvar of ident
(** variable as a pattern *) |
| Papp of qualid * pattern list
(** constructor pattern, e.g., Cons(x,y) *) |
| Prec of (qualid * pattern) list
(** record pattern *) |
| Ptuple of pattern list
(** tuple pattern *) |
| Pas of pattern * ident * ghost
(** as-pattern, e.g., Cons(x,y) as z *) |
| Por of pattern * pattern
(** or-pattern p1 | p2 *) |
| Pcast of pattern * pty
(** type cast *) |
| Pscope of qualid * pattern
(** open scope locally *) |
| Pparen of pattern
(** parenthesised pattern *) |
| Pghost of pattern
(** explicitly ghost pattern *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Logical terms and formulas*) |
(** binder as 4-uple (loc,id,ghost,type) to represent "ghost? id? :
type?". id and type cannot be None at the same time *) |
type binder = Loc.position * ident option * ghost * pty option
[@@deriving sexp]
(** parameter as 4-uple (loc,id,ghost,type) to represent
"ghost? id? : type". *) |
type param = Loc.position * ident option * ghost * pty
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Terms, equipped with a source location *) |
type term = {
term_desc : term_desc;
term_loc : Loc.position;
and term_desc =
| Ttrue
(** the true proposition *) |
| Tfalse
(** the false proposition *) |
| Tconst of Constant.constant
(** constant literals *) |
| Tident of qualid
(** identifiers *) |
| Tasref of qualid
(** identifier as reference, e.g., &x (See manual Section
13.1. "Release Notes for version 1.2: new syntax for
auto-dereference") *) |
| Tidapp of qualid * term list
(** (first-order) application of a logic identifier to a list of terms *) |
| Tapply of term * term
(** curried application, of a term to a term *) |
| Tinfix of term * ident * term
(** application of a binary operation in an infix fashion, allowing chaining.
For example, Tinfix(t1,"<=",Tinfix(t2,"<",t3)) denotes
t1 <= t2 /\ t2 < t3 *) |
| Tinnfix of term * ident * term
(** application of a binary operation in an infix style, but without chaining *) |
| Tbinop of term * Dterm.dbinop * term
(** application of a binary logic connective, in an infix fashion, allowing
chaining. For example, Tbinop(p1,"<->",Tbinop(p2,"<->",p3)) denotes
(p1 <-> p2) /\ (p2 <-> p3) *) |
| Tbinnop of term * Dterm.dbinop * term
(** application of a binary logic connective, but without chaining *) |
| Tnot of term
(** logic negation *) |
| Tif of term * term * term
(** if-expression *) |
| Tquant of Dterm.dquant * binder list * term list list * term
(** quantified formulas. The third argument is a list of triggers. *) |
| Teps of ident * pty * term
(** Teps(x,ty,f) denotes the epsilon term "any x of type ty
that satisfies f ". Use with caution since if there is no such
x satisfying f , then it acts like introducing an inconsistent
axiom. (As a matter of fact, this is the reason why there is no
concrete syntax for such epsilon-terms.) *) |
| Tattr of attr * term
(** term annotated with an attribute *) |
| Tlet of ident * term * term
(** let-expression *) |
| Tcase of term * (pattern * term) list
(** pattern-matching *) |
| Tcast of term * pty
(** type casting *) |
| Ttuple of term list
(** tuples *) |
| Trecord of (qualid * term) list
(** record expressions *) |
| Tupdate of term * (qualid * term) list
(** record update expression *) |
| Tscope of qualid * term
(** local scope *) |
| Tat of term * ident
(** "at" modifier. The "old" modifier is a particular case with
the identifier Dexpr.old_label *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Program expressions*) |
(** Loop invariant or type invariant *) |
type invariant = term list
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Variant for both loops and recursive functions. The option identifier is an optional ordering predicate *) |
type variant = (term * qualid option) list
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Precondition *) |
type pre = term
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Normal postconditions *) |
type post = Loc.position * (pattern * term) list
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Exceptional postconditions *) |
type xpost = Loc.position * (qualid * (pattern * term) option) list
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Contract *) |
type spec = {
sp_pre : pre list;
(** preconditions *) |
sp_post : post list;
(** normal postconditions *) |
sp_xpost : xpost list;
(** exceptional postconditions *) |
sp_reads : qualid list;
(** "reads" clause *) |
sp_writes : term list;
(** "writes" clause *) |
sp_alias : (term * term) list;
(** "alias" clause *) |
sp_variant : variant;
(** variant for recursive functions *) |
sp_checkrw : bool;
(** should the reads and writes clauses be checked against the given body? *) |
sp_diverge : bool;
(** may the function diverge? *) |
sp_partial : bool;
(** is the function partial? *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Expressions, equipped with a source location *) |
type expr = {
expr_desc : expr_desc;
expr_loc : Loc.position;
(** Expression kinds *) |
and expr_desc =
| Eref
(** built-in operator ref for auto-dereference syntax. (See manual Section
13.1. "Release Notes for version 1.2: new syntax for
auto-dereference") *) |
| Etrue
(** Boolean literal True *) |
| Efalse
(** Boolean literal False *) |
| Econst of Constant.constant
(** Constant literals *) |
| Eident of qualid
(** Variable identifier *) |
| Easref of qualid
(** identifier as reference, e.g., &x (See manual Section
13.1. "Release Notes for version 1.2: new syntax for
auto-dereference") *) |
| Eidapp of qualid * expr list
(** Uncurried application of a function identifier to a list of arguments *) |
| Eapply of expr * expr
(** Curried application *) |
| Einfix of expr * ident * expr
(** application of a binary function identifier, in an infix fashion, allowing
chaining, e.g., Einfix(e1,"<=",Einfix(e2,"<",e3)) denotes
e1 <= e2 && e2 < e3 *) |
| Einnfix of expr * ident * expr
(** application of a binary function, but without chaining *) |
| Elet of ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind * expr * expr
(** let ... in ... expression *) |
| Erec of fundef list * expr
(** Local definition of function(s), possibly mutually recursive *) |
| Efun of binder list * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec * expr
(** Anonymous function *) |
| Eany of param list * Expr.rs_kind * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec
(** "any params : ty <spec>": abstract expression with a specification, generating a VC for existence *) |
| Etuple of expr list
(** Tuple of expressions *) |
| Erecord of (qualid * expr) list
(** Record expression, e.g., {f=e1; g=e2; ...} *) |
| Eupdate of expr * (qualid * expr) list
(** Record update, e.g., {e with f=e1; ...} *) |
| Eassign of (expr * qualid option * expr) list
(** Assignment, of a mutable variable (no qualid given) or of a record field (qualid
given). Assignments are possibly in parallel, e.g., x.f, y.g, z <- e1, e2, e3 *) |
| Esequence of expr * expr
(** Sequence of two expressions, the first one being supposed of type unit *) |
| Eif of expr * expr * expr
(** if e1 then e2 else e3 expression *) |
| Ewhile of expr * invariant * variant * expr
(** while loop with annotations *) |
| Eand of expr * expr
(** lazy conjunction *) |
| Eor of expr * expr
(** lazy disjunction *) |
| Enot of expr
(** Boolean negation *) |
| Ematch of expr * reg_branch list * exn_branch list
(** match expression, including both regular patterns and exception patterns (those lists cannot be both empty) *) |
| Eabsurd
(** absurd statement to mark unreachable branches *) |
| Epure of term
(** turns a logical term into a pure expression, e.g., pure { t } *) |
| Eidpur of qualid
(** promotes a logic symbol in programs, e.g., {f} or M.{f} *) |
| Eraise of qualid * expr option
(** raise an exception, possibly with an argument *) |
| Eexn of ident * pty * Ity.mask * expr
(** local declaration of an exception, e.g., let exception E in e *) |
| Eoptexn of ident * Ity.mask * expr
(** local declaration of an exception, implicitly captured. Used by Why3 for handling
return , break , and continue *) |
| Efor of ident * expr * Expr.for_direction * expr * invariant * expr
(** "for" loops *) |
| Eassert of Expr.assertion_kind * term
(** assert , assume , and check expressions *) |
| Escope of qualid * expr
(** open scope locally, e.g., M.(e) *) |
| Elabel of ident * expr
(** introduction of a label, e.g., label L in e *) |
| Ecast of expr * pty
(** cast an expression to a given type, e.g., (e:ty) *) |
| Eghost of expr
(** forces an expression to be ghost, e.g., ghost e *) |
| Eattr of attr * expr
(** attach an attribute to an expression *) |
(** A regular match branch *) |
and reg_branch = pattern * expr
(** An exception match branch *) |
and exn_branch = qualid * pattern option * expr
(** Local function definition *) |
and fundef = ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind *
binder list * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec * expr
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Declarations*) |
(** record fields *) |
type field = {
f_loc : Loc.position;
f_ident : ident;
f_pty : pty;
f_mutable : bool;
f_ghost : bool
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Type definition body *) |
type type_def =
| TDalias of pty
(** alias type *) |
| TDalgebraic of (Loc.position * ident * param list) list
(** algebraic type *) |
| TDrecord of field list
(** record type *) |
| TDrange of BigInt.t * BigInt.t
(** integer type in given range *) |
| TDfloat of int * int
(** floating-point type with given exponent and precision *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** The different kinds of visibility *) |
type visibility = Public | Private | Abstract
(** = Private + ghost fields *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
(** A type declaration *) |
type type_decl = {
td_loc : Loc.position;
td_ident : ident;
td_params : ident list;
td_vis : visibility;
(** visibility, for records only *) |
td_mut : bool;
(** mutability, for records or abstract types *) |
td_inv : invariant;
(** invariant, for records only *) |
td_wit : expr option;
(** witness for the invariant *) |
td_def : type_def;
[@@deriving sexp]
(** A single declaration of a function or predicate *) |
type logic_decl = {
ld_loc : Loc.position;
ld_ident : ident;
ld_params : param list;
ld_type : pty option;
ld_def : term option;
[@@deriving sexp]
(** A single declaration of an inductive predicate *) |
type ind_decl = {
in_loc : Loc.position;
in_ident : ident;
in_params : param list;
in_def : (Loc.position * ident * term) list;
[@@deriving sexp]
(** Arguments of "meta" declarations *) |
type metarg =
| Mty of pty
| Mfs of qualid
| Mps of qualid
| Max of qualid
| Mlm of qualid
| Mgl of qualid
| Mval of qualid
| Mstr of string
| Mint of int
[@@deriving sexp]
(** The possible "clone" substitution elements *) |
type clone_subst =
| CStsym of qualid * ident list * pty
| CSfsym of qualid * qualid
| CSpsym of qualid * qualid
| CSvsym of qualid * qualid
| CSxsym of qualid * qualid
| CSprop of Decl.prop_kind
| CSaxiom of qualid
| CSlemma of qualid
| CSgoal of qualid
[@@deriving sexp]
(** top-level declarations *) |
type decl =
| Dtype of type_decl list
(** Type declaration *) |
| Dlogic of logic_decl list
(** Collection of "function"s and "predicate"s, mutually recursively declared *) |
| Dind of Decl.ind_sign * ind_decl list
(** An inductive or co-inductive predicate *) |
| Dprop of Decl.prop_kind * ident * term
(** Propositions: "lemma" or "goal" or "axiom" *) |
| Dlet of ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind * expr
(** Global program variable or function *) |
| Drec of fundef list
(** set of program functions, defined mutually recursively *) |
| Dexn of ident * pty * Ity.mask
(** Declaration of global exceptions *) |
| Dmeta of ident * metarg list
(** Declaration of a "meta" *) |
| Dcloneexport of Loc.position * qualid * clone_subst list
(** "clone export" *) |
| Duseexport of Loc.position * qualid
(** "use export" *) |
| Dcloneimport of Loc.position * bool * qualid * ident option * clone_subst list
(** "clone import ... as ..." *) |
| Duseimport of Loc.position * bool * (qualid * ident option) list
(** "use import ... as ..." *) |
| Dimport of qualid
(** "import" *) |
| Dscope of Loc.position * bool * ident * decl list
(** "scope" *) |
[@@deriving sexp]
let sexp_of_mlw_file _ = assert false [@@warning "-32"]
let mlw_file_of_sexp _ = assert false [@@warning "-32"]
(* default values if the line below does not produce anything, i.e.,
when ppx_sexp_conv is not installed *)
type mlw_file =
| Modules of (ident * decl list) list
(** a list of modules containing lists of declarations *) |
| Decls of decl list
(** a list of declarations outside any module *) |
[@@deriving sexp]