A |
adjacency [Wstdlib.MakeSCC] |
any [Session_itp] |
any_pp [Pretty] |
arg [Getopt] |
assertion_kind [Expr] |
assign [Expr] |
attr [Ptree] |
attributes, with a specific case for a source location
attribute [Ident] |
B |
bad_instance [Theory] |
big_float [Pinterp_core.Value] |
binder [Ptree] |
binop [Term] |
blacklist [Printer] |
C |
call_set [Decl] |
cexp [Expr] |
cexp_node [Expr] |
check_term [Pinterp_core] |
A function of type check_term comprises a RAC engine.
check_value [Pinterp_core] |
classification [Check_ce] |
The result of a classification based on normal and giant-step RAC execution
is comprised of a verdict itself and the log of the relevant execution.
clone_map [Task] |
clone_subst [Ptree] |
The possible "clone" substitution elements
cmptr [Util] |
A comparator for values of type 'a *
cntr_ctx [Pinterp_core] |
A contradiction context carries all necessary information
about a contradiction (with snapshot'ed values).
color [Itp_communication] |
Used to give colors to the parts of the source code that corresponds to the
following property in the current task.
compare [Util] |
compute_term [Pinterp_core] |
Reduce a term (for RAC or for computing ghost expressions).
concrete_syntax_binop [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_bv [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_constant [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_float [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_float_value [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_frac [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_fun [Model_parser] |
Function arguments and body
concrete_syntax_funlit [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_funlit_elts [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_int [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_quant [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_real [Model_parser] |
concrete_syntax_term [Model_parser] |
config [Whyconf] |
A configuration linked to an rc file.
config_editor [Whyconf] |
config_param [Itp_communication] |
config_prover [Whyconf] |
config_strategy [Whyconf] |
constructor [Decl] |
constructor symbol with the list of projections
controller [Controller_itp] |
ctx [Pinterp] |
cty [Ity] |
D |
data_decl [Decl] |
decl [Ptree] |
decl [Decl] |
decl_node [Decl] |
default_format [Number] |
delayed_format [Number] |
diff_decl [Trans] |
doc [Getopt] |
driver [Driver] |
E |
effekt [Ity] |
elt [Extset.S] |
The type of set elements.
enumeration [Extmap.S] |
enumeration: zipper style
env [Pinterp_core] |
The parts of the execution environment in Pinterp which are relevant for
Rac .
env [Env] |
exec_log [Pinterp_core.Log] |
exec_mode [Pinterp_core.Log] |
exn_branch [Ptree] |
An exception match branch
exn_branch [Expr] |
expr [Ptree] |
Expressions, equipped with a source location
expr [Expr] |
expr_desc [Ptree] |
expr_id [Expr] |
expr_node [Expr] |
extension [Env] |
F |
family [Rc] |
A family of parameterized sections in a configuration file.
fformat [Env] |
field [Ptree] |
field [Pinterp_core.Value] |
field_info [Printer] |
file [Session_itp] |
fileID [Session_itp] |
filename [Env] |
filter_prover [Whyconf] |
flag [Debug] |
flag_trans [Trans] |
float_format [Number] |
float_mode [Pinterp_core.Value] |
fold [Util] |
fold2 [Util] |
foldd [Util] |
for_bounds [Expr] |
for_direction [Expr] |
format_parser [Env] |
(fn : 'a format_parser) env path file ch parses the in_channel ch
and returns the language-specific contents of type 'a .
formatted [Pp] |
formatted: string which is formatted "@ " allow to cut the line if
too long
formatter [Pp] |
frac_real_format [Number] |
fundef [Ptree] |
Local function definition
G |
gen_strat [Strategy] |
gentrans [Trans] |
ghost [Ptree] |
global_information [Itp_communication] |
Global information known when server process has started and that can be
shared with the IDE through communication
H |
handler [Getopt] |
I |
ide_request [Itp_communication] |
ident [Ptree] |
identifiers, with attributes and a source location
ident [Ident] |
ident_printer [Ident] |
ind_decl [Ptree] |
A single declaration of an inductive predicate
ind_decl [Decl] |
ind_list [Decl] |
ind_sign [Decl] |
instruction [Strategy] |
int_constant [Number] |
int_literal_kind [Number] |
int_range [Number] |
int_value [Number] |
integer_format [Number] |
interface [Printer] |
interface_export_map [Printer] |
interface_map [Printer] |
invariant [Ptree] |
invariant [Expr] |
its_defn [Pdecl] |
its_flag [Ity] |
ity [Ity] |
ity_node [Ity] |
ity_subst [Ity] |
itysymbol [Ity] |
K |
key [Getopt] |
key [Exthtbl.Private] |
key [Weakhtbl.S] |
key [Extmap.S] |
The type of the map keys.
known_map [Pdecl] |
known_map [Decl] |
L |
language [Env] |
let_defn [Expr] |
log_entry [Pinterp_core.Log] |
log_entry_desc [Pinterp_core.Log] |
log_uc [Pinterp_core.Log] |
logic_decl [Ptree] |
A single declaration of a function or predicate
logic_decl [Decl] |
ls_defn [Decl] |
lsymbol [Term] |
M |
main [Whyconf] |
mask [Ity] |
message_notification [Itp_communication] |
meta [Theory] |
meta_arg [Theory] |
meta_arg_type [Theory] |
meta_decl [Pdecl] |
meta_map [Task] |
metarg [Ptree] |
Arguments of "meta" declarations
mlw_file [Ptree] |
mlw_file [Pmodule] |
mod_inst [Pmodule] |
mod_unit [Pmodule] |
model [Model_parser] |
model_element [Model_parser] |
Counter-example model elements.
model_element_kind [Model_parser] |
model_parser [Model_parser] |
Parses the input string (i.e.
mpfr_float [Mlmpfr_wrapper] |
mpfr_rnd_t [Mlmpfr_wrapper] |
N |
namespace [Theory] |
namespace [Pmodule] |
naming_table [Trans] |
In order to interpret, that is type, string arguments as symbols or
terms, a transformation may need a naming_table .
next_unproved_node_strat [Itp_communication] |
node_ID [Itp_communication] |
node_type [Itp_communication] |
notation [Ident] |
notification [Itp_communication] |
notifier [Session_itp] |
number_support [Number] |
O |
oneway [Ity] |
opt [Getopt] |
oracle [Pinterp_core] |
An oracle provides values during execution in Pinterp for program
parameters and during giant steps.
oracle_quant_var [Rac] |
An oracle to get all-quantified variables during RAC.
overload [Pmodule] |
P |
param [Ptree] |
parameter as 4-uple (loc,id,ghost,type) to represent
"ghost? id? : type".
pat_desc [Ptree] |
pat_ghost [Expr] |
pathname [Env] |
pattern [Term] |
pattern [Ptree] |
Patterns, equipped with a source location
pattern_node [Term] |
pdecl [Pdecl] |
pdecl_node [Pdecl] |
pmodule [Pmodule] |
pmodule_uc [Pmodule] |
position [Loc] |
post [Ptree] |
post [Ity] |
pp [Pp] |
pre [Ptree] |
pre [Ity] |
pre_pattern [Expr] |
preid [Ident] |
a user-created type of unregistered identifiers
prelude [Printer] |
prelude_export_map [Printer] |
prelude_map [Printer] |
premises [Pinterp_core] |
The premises during RAC, i.e.
printer [Printer] |
A printer receives a printer_args which is created from the information
contained in the driver file.
printer_args [Printer] |
printers [Mlw_printer] |
The marked printer potentially adds the marker, the closed printer adds
parentheses to the potentially marked node
printing_info [Printer] |
The printing info is collected while printing a task to trace back elements
in the output of the printer to elements in the task and the AST.
prog_pattern [Expr] |
prog_symbol [Pmodule] |
proofAttemptID [Session_itp] |
proofNodeID [Session_itp] |
proof_attempt_node [Session_itp] |
proof_attempt_status [Controller_itp] |
proof_parent [Session_itp] |
proof_tree [Strategy] |
prop_decl [Decl] |
prop_kind [Decl] |
prover [Whyconf] |
record of necessary data for a given external prover
prover_answer [Call_provers] |
prover_call [Call_provers] |
Type that represents a single prover run
prover_result [Call_provers] |
prover_result_parser [Call_provers] |
prover_update [Call_provers] |
prover_upgrade_policy [Whyconf] |
prsymbol [Decl] |
pty [Ptree] |
pvsymbol [Ity] |
Q |
qualid [Ptree] |
quant [Term] |
R |
rac [Pinterp_core] |
rac_result [Check_ce] |
rac_result_state [Check_ce] |
The result state of a RAC execution
raw_model_parser [Model_parser] |
rc_value [Rc] |
real_constant [Number] |
real_format [Number] |
real_literal_kind [Number] |
real_value [Number] |
rec_defn [Expr] |
reg_branch [Ptree] |
reg_branch [Expr] |
region [Ity] |
report [Controller_itp.Make] |
resource_limits [Call_provers] |
result [Pinterp] |
An execution may terminate normally, with an exception, or with an
irreducible expression.
rs_kind [Expr] |
rs_logic [Expr] |
rsymbol [Expr] |
S |
section [Rc] |
A section in a configuration file.
session [Session_itp] |
sign [Mlmpfr_wrapper] |
simple_family [Rc] |
A family of sections without parameters.
source [Wstdlib.MakeSCC] |
spec [Ptree] |
spec [Loc.Args] |
spec [Debug.Args] |
stat [Debug] |
state [Ptree_helpers.F] |
stepregexp [Call_provers] |
The type of precompiled regular expressions for parsing of steps
strat [Strategy] |
strat_with_args [Strategy] |
strategy [Itp_communication] |
strategy_from_rac [Check_ce] |
Type of strategies to select a model from the RAC execution results.
strategy_status [Controller_itp] |
symbol [Args_wrapper] |
symbol_map [Theory] |
syntax [Pretty] |
syntax_map [Printer] |
T |
t [Wstdlib.TaggedType] |
t [Wstdlib.OrderedHashedType] |
t [Weakhtbl.Weakey] |
t [Strategy] |
t [Rc] |
A parsed configuration file.
t [Exthtbl.Private] |
t [Weakhtbl.S] |
t [Extset.S] |
The type of sets of type elt .
t [Extmap.S] |
The type of maps from type key to type 'a .
t [Coercion] |
t [BigInt] |
tag [Weakhtbl] |
task [Task] |
task_hd [Task] |
tdecl [Theory] |
tdecl_node [Theory] |
tdecl_set [Task] |
term [Term] |
term [Ptree] |
Terms, equipped with a source location
term_bound [Term] |
term_branch [Term] |
term_desc [Ptree] |
term_node [Term] |
term_quant [Term] |
th_inst [Theory] |
theory [Theory] |
theory [Session_itp] |
theory_uc [Theory] |
theories under constructions
timeregexp [Call_provers] |
The type of precompiled regular expressions for time parsing
tlist [Trans] |
trans [Trans] |
transID [Session_itp] |
trans_typ [Args_wrapper] |
trans_with_args [Trans] |
trans_with_args_l [Trans] |
transformation [Itp_communication] |
transformation_status [Controller_itp] |
trigger [Term] |
tvsymbol [Ty] |
ty [Ty] |
ty_node [Ty] |
type_decl [Ptree] |
type_def [Ty] |
type_def [Ptree] |
tysymbol [Ty] |
U |
update_info [Itp_communication] |
V |
value [Pinterp_core.Value] |
value_desc [Pinterp_core.Value] |
value_or_invalid [Pinterp_core.Log] |
variant [Ptree] |
Variant for both loops and recursive functions.
variant [Expr] |
tau * (tau -> tau -> prop)
verdict [Check_ce] |
Verdict of the classification.
vertex [Wstdlib.MakeSCC] |
visibility [Ptree] |
vs_graph [Decl] |
vsymbol [Term] |
W |
warning_id [Loc] |
why_prover [Rac.Why] |
The configuration of the prover used for reducing terms in RAC
X |
xpost [Ptree] |
Exceptional postconditions
xsymbol [Ity] |